Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/198

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confide my entire welfare, my property, and my children. God protect you on your way there and back, give these letters into the right hands at the same time with this little treasure; steal as you can over the frontiers, then we are safe, and return directly with favourable answers." That very night, he accomplished fifteen leagues."

The old man trembled violently; he examined his son doubtingly, his face was pale. "Where have you seen all this?" demanded he at length. "Yonder in the mountains of Lozere, fourteen leagues from here." There was a pause. "I must believe you," said the father. "Be it a miracle, delirium, an undiscovered strength of nature; I see, but I understand it not. All is in reality as you have said, but your manner is terrible to me. Do you not then believe, that as you have fallen, in so unusually strange a manner, into this disposition, conviction, and miraculous gift, there may be also means, which heaven, if you in faith