Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/74

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the sequel of the event to his old friend. "How fortuuate," he commenced, "that you were not present at our battle, for only think, your Edmond continued to accompany us, he would not be dissuaded from attending in person to your safety. When the scene now opened he was ever foremost. There was a young lad, who then came forward. 'From whence come you?' shouted the Camisards.—'What’s that to you,' answered the impudent fellow.—'You are a traitor.'—'Wherefore insult,' cried the little man, 'honest people act not thus.'—'Hew him down!' cried another.—'Hew me down;' said the hop of my thumb, 'when I would sacrifice my life for you.'—'Who art thou?' was again reiterated.—'My name is Martin, further it is not necessary for you to know.'—Inquiry was cut short by firing and hewing down. It came near me, and I felt a goose-skin all over my body. I had already spent my powder without, perhaps, having hit any one, when the gigantic Lacoste took compassion