Page:The Recluse, Wordsworth, 1888.djvu/27

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Their curious pastime, shaping in mid-air,
And sometimes with ambitious wing that soars
High as the level of the mountain-tops,
A circuit ampler than the lake beneath,
Their own domain;—but ever, while intent
On tracing and retracing that large round,
Their jubilant activity evolves
Hundreds of curves and circlets, to and fro,
Upwards and downwards; progress intricate
Yet unperplexed, as if one spirit swayed
Their indefatigable flight. 'Tis done,
Ten times and more I fancied it had ceased,
But lo! the vanished company again
Ascending, they approach. I hear their wings
Faint, faint at first; and then an eager sound

Passed in a moment—and as faint again!