"By all means, Priscilla. Dinner at seven-thirty."
"Yes, mother. Good afternoon, Mr. Drake."
He bowed silently, then turned to Mrs. Kaley Martin.
"What's the matter with you?" he asked again.
"Don't ask me. I've been through the hardest half-hour of my life."
"You mean?"
"Did you ever hear of people being transformed in an hour? That's what's happened to me. What did you think of her? Is she a beauty?"
"I don't know—I didn't notice. But never mind her—let us talk of you. What is this change you talk about? What did she do to you?"
"She swamped me in a sea of emotions; she tugged me hither and thither, where I didn't want to go; she put her hands ruthlessly on old wounds and opened them up