"Why, Priscilla!" Mrs. Martin said.
"Faith, and why shouldn't he tell me?" inquired Mrs. Crompton.
"Because you'll laugh, and I don't want you to."
Priscilla appealed to her mother, flushed and miserable. "I beg your pardon," she said then.
"Priscilla has not yet acquired social tact," Mrs. Martin explained.
"Priscilla still dares to speak the truth," The Parson substituted. "Let her alone; she'll soon learn better."
"I never heard you preach before," laughed Mrs. Crompton.
"Some day I shall take for my text 'Laughers and Scoffers,' and then, Mrs. Crompton, beware!" he added lightly.
Drake was announced.
"Come in—do. We're about to have a sermon from The Parson. 'Parlor Talks by a Prominent Parson!" cried Mrs. Crompton.