Page:The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz (Volume Two).djvu/361

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in the headship of the Legation at that time might prejudice our standing with the Spanish Government, and that I might attain my object by asking for permission to return home on temporary leave of absence from my post. To guard against a refusal of that leave of absence, or against delay in granting it, I thought it best to offer my resignation as an alternative, for I was determined to see Mr. Lincoln as soon as possible. I therefore addressed to him a letter in which I said, that the main object for which I had been sent to Madrid, namely, to secure the friendliest possible relations between Spain and the United States, had been accomplished; that, so far as I could see, no question was likely to arise that might make the uninterrupted presence of a plenipotentiary of the first rank indispensable; that my future activity at Madrid, for a time, at least would be limited to quiet observation with the “enjoyment and distinguished position and elegant leisure,” which in view of the condition of our country was to me more oppressive than agreeable; that I was troubled by grave doubts as to the general drift of our affairs; that, to have these doubts solved, I urgently wished to return to the United States, and that to this end I asked him for a leave of absence from my post, or if this could for any reason not be granted, for the acceptance of my resignation.

As a matter of loyalty to my immediate chief I sent this letter to Mr. Seward with the request that he present it to the President.

While I was waiting for an answer from President Lincoln, we were suddenly startled by the news that a United States man-of-war, the “San Jacinto,” Captain Wilkes, had stopped the British mail-steamer “Trent” in the Bahama channel, and had forcibly taken from her two Confederate envoys, Mason and Slidell; that the people of the United

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