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Could Insomnia Be Relieved

with a YouTube Video? The Relaxation

and Calm of ASMR

Giulia Poerio

Abstract Giulia Poerio’s public engagement work with Hubbub has featured her psychological research on autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) – relaxing, tingling sensations that start at the top of the head and spread down the neck, spine and sometimes throughout the rest of the body, usually in response to certain triggers. Giulia’s collaborative studies aim to examine the self-reported and physiological correlates of ASMR experience.

Keywords Autonomous sensory meridian response, Relaxation, Self-report data, Synaesthesia, Well-being

Recent figures suggest that over half of Britons have trouble getting to sleep at night.[1] If, you, like so many other people, struggle to nod off,

G. Poerio ()
University of York, York, United Kingdom

© The Author(s) 2016
F. Callard et al. (eds.), The Restless Compendium,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-4526-7_15