Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/12

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Jenny : Yes . . . we all do, these days.

Ellen : Excuse me, miss. I think that’s him now.

[She goes out R.

Jenny stands waiting, expectantly. She returns with two letters on a salver, which she hands to Jenny, who takes them eagerly and looks at them with disappointment.

Jenny : Bills. (As Ellen is going) Have you heard from your young man lately, Ellen?

Ellen : Not since last week, miss, and then only just one of those printed postcards. It’s not the same thing as a letter, is it?

Jenny : No. Still, it lets you know he’s safe and well. And that’s the main thing.

Ellen : Yes, miss. You’re worrying about the master, miss?

Jenny : A little. It’s a fortnight now—more.

Ellen : P’raps he’s busy, miss . . . what with one thing and another . . . can’t find time to write.

Jenny : Yes, I suppose so.

Ellen : Still, it’s hard waiting, and a letter does make all the difference, doesn’t it? Just a word, like. The mistress bears up wonderful.

Jenny : Yes.

Ellen : Cook says it'll all be over by July. And that’s what the paper said, too. But, then, that’s how they’ve gone on talking ever since it began.