Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/18

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feeling about these things. Oh, but that’s another matter. I love Baldry Court, even if it doesn’t mean to me what it does to you. I’m proud of it . . . Chris has made it beautiful.

Jenny : He certainly has. It’s a show place . . . now.

Kitty : Why not? However, it doesn’t matter now. Forgive me for being horrid. I’m going up. You’ll come?

Jenny : Of course.

[Ellen enters R. with a card on a salver.

Kitty : What’s that, Ellen? Has somebody called?

Ellen : Yes, ma’am. [She presents the card.

Kitty : How annoying . . . just when I wanted . . . Who is it? (She looks at the card.) “Mrs. William Grey, Mariposa, Ladysmith Road, Wealdstone.” I don’t know anyone in Wealdstone . . . loathsome place. It’s a stain on the neighbourhood. Do I know her, Ellen? Has she been here before?

Ellen : Oh, no, ma’am.

Kitty : Oh! What sort of a person, Ellen? Is she a lady?

Ellen : Well, ma’am, I hardly . . .

Kitty : Oh, very well, I’ll see her. (Ellen goes.) What an awful card. Printed, not engraved. What can she want? Isn’t it infuriating the people who break into one’s nice, quiet day?