Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/27

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Frank : Kitty, please. I’ve news for you—grave news—but I can’t tell it unless you’ll listen quietly.

Kitty : For God’s sake, Frank! Tell me, Chris is mad . . . is that it?

Frank : Kitty, please. It’s absurd to jump to conclusions like that. Of course he’s not mad.

Kitty : What did you mean, then, when you said well in body?

Frank : Kitty, please . . . won’t you sit down? It’s a long story I’ve got to tell you. I can’t tell it you like this. You must control yourself . . . please . . . for all our sakes. Sit down and listen quietly. Come.

[He puts her, dazed, into a chair, and takes Margaret’s chair himself. His foot strikes the umbrella. He stoops and picks it up.

What’s this?

Kitty : It’s her umbrella.

Frank : Hers? Jenny’s?

Kitty : That woman’s. Mrs. Grey’s.

Frank : Mrs. Grey?

Kitty : Margaret . . . what was her name . . . Allington?

Frank (with a jump) : Margaret Allington? Did you say Margaret Allington?

Kitty : Yes . . . Chris’s woman.

Jenny : Kitty!