Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/29

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Frank : Kitty!

Kitty : I’m sorry . . . I’m overwrought.

Frank (patiently) : I know, Kitty. It’s not to be wondered at. I take no offence. But you must understand it’s hard for me . . . to find myself forestalled, as it were.

Kitty : Go on, please.

Frank : I must begin at the beginning.

Jenny : Naturally.

Frank : Jenny, please . . .

Jenny : I’m sorry.

Frank : Well, it all started last Thursday, when I got a wire from Chris saying he had had concussion, though not seriously, and was in a hospital in Boulogne, where he would be glad to see me. It struck me as a little odd that the wire should have been sent to Ollenshaws, where I was curate fifteen years ago . . . but I thought perhaps he had forgotten my present address. Fortunately, though, I had always kept in touch with Sumpter—whom I do regard as the very best type of country clergyman—and he forwarded it without more than the necessary amount of delay. Well, I started that evening. I was a little surprised not to find you and Jenny on the boat, but I imagined you had preceded me and that I should find you at the hospital. Of course, I understand now how it was you knew nothing of it. When did you learn, by the way?