Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/45

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Chris : Yes. I had a call to make. (Pause.) Kitty, I’m sorry, but . . . we must be honest. It’s no good hiding things. There’s a woman . . .

Kitty : I know.

Chris : Frank told you? Kitty . . . forgive me. I know it must seem . . . almost deliberately insulting . . . but I must see her. She lives in Wealdstone. I called there on the way up. There was no one at home but a stupid maid whom I couldn’t make understand. But I must see her. Do forgive me, but . . . if I don’t see her, I shall die.

Kitty (icily) : You shall see her. (A pause. Then, with an effort) As a matter of fact, she has only just left.

Chris : Left? Left Wealdstone?

Kitty : No . . . here. She has been here this afternoon.

Chris (leaping up, with something like a shout) : Here? What are you saying? Margaret here? Where has she gone?

Kitty : Home . . . home to her husband.

Chris (deflated) : Her . . . ? Did you say her husband?

Kitty : Yes.

Chris : Margaret’s married?

Jenny : Chris, listen. She came here to-day to bring us news of you. She saw you in the garden, and she went because . . . because she thought