Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/47

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Scene: The same. The following afternoon.

When the curtain rises, Jenny is playing the piano. Frank come in L. Jenny stops playing.

Frank : Don’t stop, Jenny, on my account.

Jenny (rising and coming from the piano) : It’s all right. I’ve been playing for over an hour.

Frank : That was rather a jolly thing. What was it?

Jenny : Mozart.

Frank : German? Was Mozart a German? Austrian, wasn’t he? Do you think you ought . . .

Jenny : Oh, Frank, don’t be absurd.

Frank : Oh, not for myself. I’m broad-minded enough to realise it doesn’t mean anything. But there is the example to others.

Jenny : What others?

Frank : Well, the servants . . . and the neighbours. One has to consider other people.

Jenny : Do you really imagine the servants will know that was Mozart that I was playing . . . or that Mozart was a German? Oh, Frank, don’t be so ridiculous.

Frank : Ridiculous? Yes, I’m always ridiculous to you.

Jenny : Oh, Frank!

Frank : Where’s Chris?

Jenny : Out, walking.

Frank : But it’s raining.

Jenny : Chris has been out in the rain before.