Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/62

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anything that time could do to it. She’s Margaret, that’s all. You can’t understand . . .

Jenny : I want to try, Chris. (She lays her hand on his arm.) Why, Chris, you’re wet.

Chris : Yes. It’s been raining.

Jenny : You must go and change. Don’t catch cold . . . don’t stay in wet things. Go along, dear. I’ll call you when Margaret comes.

Chris : All right. (He goes to the door L.) You’re a brick, Jenny . . . a real pal.

[He goes out.

Jenny goes over to the windows R., kneels on the window-seat, looking out. She cries a very little, quietly, touching her eyes with her handkerchief. Presently Ellen comes in R.

Ellen (announcing) : Mrs. Grey.

[She shows in Margaret. Ellen retires. Margaret comes in quietly, dressed as before.

Jenny : Oh, good afternoon!

Margaret : Good afternoon.

[She looks round.

Jenny : Chris is upstairs, changing. He went out for a walk in the rain. He’ll be down soon. Let me take your things.

Margaret : It’s all right. I’m not wet. It was nice of you to send the car. It’s a beautiful car.

Jenny : Still, you’ll feel more comfortable without your coat, won’t you? Let me help you. (Margaret takes off her coat.) And won’t you