Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/83

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Chris : You'll come again . . . to-morrow?

Margaret : No . . . I . . . I think I'd better not. Really not. I’ve no right here.

Chris : I want you. Kitty . . . I know it’s brutal, but . . . but . . . she may come, mayn’t she?

Kitty : You want her, Chris?

Chris : Yes.

Kitty : Then, of course. As often as you like.

Margaret : It’s good of you.

Kitty : Please . . . don’t thank me. Chris wants you to come. (There is a tap at the door L.) Come in!

[Jenny comes in.

Jenny : Oh, you’re here, Kitty.

Kitty : Yes, I came in by mistake. I forgot to knock, as you did. Mrs. Grey is just going. I’ll go and see that the car is brought round.

[She goes out.

Margaret : Oh, it’s all so wrong!

Chris : I’m sorry for her . . . I don’t want to hurt her . . . she doesn’t mean to be unkind . . . but . . . but I don’t know her, and . . . and . . . oh . . . she must understand. You’ll come again . . . to-morrow?

Margaret : Yes, Chris. Please . . . where are my things?

Jenny : They’ll be in the hall. I'll get them.

Chris : I'll go. What were they?

Margaret  : My hat and raincoat and an umbrella. Thank you so much.

[Chris goes out.