Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/88

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twisting her hands, fidgeting with the music on the piano. Ellen comes in R., announces: “Mr. Baldry,” shows in Frank, and retires.

Jenny : Frank!

Frank : Hullo, Jenny.

Jenny : What are you doing here?

Frank : I had to be in town this morning. I thought I’d come and see how you were getting on. I hope I’m not in the way?

Jenny : Of course not. Come and sit down.

Frank : How is everything?

Jenny : Just the same.

Frank : And Chris?

Jenny : Also just the same.

Frank : Has he seen a doctor?

Jenny : A doctor? Dozens, every day. There’s one here now.

Frank : Well, what do they say?

Jenny : Nothing. They come and stand round him, and look at him like a plumber looking at a leak. They can’t do anything. They’ve tried hypnotism.

Frank : Doesn’t he submit?

Jenny : Oh, yes, he submits . . . very good-naturedly, to please them; just as he might let himself be blindfolded at a children’s party. But . . .