Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/93

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hall. I hope it’s all right. I’m getting quite used to the house. Where is Chris?

Jenny : The doctor’s talking to him.

Margaret : Oh, dear, I hope he doesn’t worry him.

Jenny : He would like to see you, too.

Margaret : Me? The doctor? Oh, of course . . . if he wants to . . .

Jenny : I expect he’ll come in when he’s finished with Chris.

Margaret : Yes. It’s not right to keep a doctor waiting in these times . . . so over-worked they are, poor men, since the war.

Frank : Who is this man, Jenny?

Jenny : Dr. Gilbert Anderson. The psychotherapist. He’s rather our last hope.

Margaret : Oh, don’t say that.

[Conversation drops.

Frank : I hope your husband is well, Mrs. Grey?

Margaret : Oh, yes . . . he’s pretty well, thank you. Of course, his chest was always weak, but now that the fine weather’s coming along . . . Seems almost as if spring had come at last, doesn’t it? He’s always better in the spring.

Frank (doing his best) : Have you any children?

Margaret : No . . . I’ve no children.

Frank : By the way, Jenny, does Chris know . . . about his child?