Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/107

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"Go on. Tell a fellow, do."

"What's the use?" asked Tom. "I saw her walking off after the game with another fellow."

"Who?" demanded his two chums.


"With him?" exclaimed Sid, and there was a new meaning in his tones. "Who was the girl?"

"Her name was Madge Tyler," replied Tom slowly.

"Madge Tyler!" repeated Sid. "Why, her brother used to go here. He graduated two years ago. He was a crackajack first baseman. And so Madge Tyler is going with Langridge?" he questioned.

"Or he with her," said Tom dryly. "I don't see that it makes much difference. Why, hasn't he got a right to?"

"Oh, I s'pose if you put it that way, he has," went on Sid. "Only——" and he stopped abruptly.

"Only what?" asked Tom.

"Only—nothing. Say, here's a chance to buy me that seltzer lemonade. I think you ought to stand treat for Phil and me, Tom, seeing that if it hadn't been for us the game would have been lost and you wouldn't have met Miss Madge."

"I don't know that it has benefited me much," replied Tom.

"What do you mean, you old cart horse?" asked