Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/112

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"Well, to tell you the truth, I've got about all the marks I can stand this term, and merely because I happened to play an innocent trick in class today I'm forbidden to leave the college grounds for a week. Just when I want to go to town, too. So I've got to get some one else to get the wire for me, and I thought you would. I'll pay for it, of course."

"Sure I'll get it," agreed Tom, not stopping to think that Kerr, the special chum of Langridge, might have acted for his friend. "What kind do you want?"

"I'll tell you. Here's the money," and Langridge handed over a bill, also giving Tom a memorandum of the kind of wire wanted and where to get it in Haddonfield.

"And one more thing," the other youth added as he prepared to take his leave.

"What's that?"

"Don't, for the life of you, tell a soul that you got the wire for me. I want it kept a dead secret. The trick will be all the better then. Will you promise?"

"I will."

"On your honor as a freshman of Randall College?"

Tom wondered at the other's insistence.

"Of course I will. Shall I swear?" and Tom laughed.