Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/117

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that it was thought impossible that any hose could be used or any pits dug.

Now the sophomores were beginning to gather in and around the small shelter. They were jubilant, for they began to think they had outwitted their never-ceasing enemies.

Meanwhile the freshmen were not idle. In large numbers they had quietly gathered at the boathouse, in the dark shadows of which they remained in hiding, waiting for the opening of the singing and the consequent breaking up of the sophomore body.

"What's the game?" asked Sid of Tom as those two and Phil Clinton made their way to the rendezvous. "Water pipes, fire or something brand new?"

"You can search me," was Tom's non-committal answer. "I hope it's something new. There doesn't seem to be any provisions for a bonfire and none of us swiped the fire hose."

"Langridge and his committee have it in charge," said Phil. 'There's some secrecy about it, and very properly, too. Last year, I understand, it leaked out and the fun was spoiled."

Tom did not reply, but he wondered what use Langridge was going to make of the wire.

"They ought to start soon now," whispered Phil. "There's a good crowd of them there."

"Yes, and they've got scouts out all around," added Sid as he and his chums saw a number of