Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/142

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There was lively practice of the Randall nine the following week, and Coach Lighton said some things that hurt, but they were needed. Nor was Langridge spared, though lie affected not to mind the sharp admonition that he must pitch more consistently.

The nine played game Saturday with an outside team, more for practice than anything else, and won it "hands down," as Holly Cross said. But, after all, it was not much credit to the 'varsity, for their opponents were not as good as the college scrub. Holly caught, the period of Kerr's suspension no being up yet.

Tom kept at his practice, but he was more than glad when he could resume his class work again and take his place on the second nine.

"Now we'll tackle work together," said the coach one afternoon to Tom, for Mr. Lighton had not been allowed to give him directions during the suspension weeks. "I hope you haven't gone stale, Parsons."