Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/161

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"What's the use?" asked Sid. "He knows this part of the country like a book, for he's been hunting in it. Better let him go. He'll only laugh the more at us."

"But what are we to do?" demanded Langridge. "We don't want to lose the game." He was very vexed, for he knew it would reflect on him as manager.

"The only thing I see to do is to walk back until we meet another car and then send on word of this abandoned one," said Sid. "It's a long walk, but——"

"Hark!" cried Tom Parsons suddenly. "An auto is coming along the road."

"Maybe some of us can get a ride," proposed Phil Clinton. "We can go to town and hire a rig for the rest of you."

Along the road rumbled some big vehicle. There came in sight a big auto truck, ponderous and heavy. It was one of several used by a milk concern to transport cans to the railroad depot.

"That's the stuff!" cried Tom. "Maybe he'll take us to Dodville if we pay him."

The man was hailed and the situation explained to him. He looked dubious and shook his head.

"Why can't you take us?" asked Phil. "You say you have no load on your truck, and it isn't much out of your way. We'll pay you well."

"Maybe you would," admitted the man, "but