Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/163

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against the scrub twirler. Nor would he consent that Evert should fill the box.

"I'll pitch!" he cried excitedly. "I'll strike 'em out next inning. You watch."

Tom happened to be in the dressing-room when it was the turn of Randall to bat, and Langridge came in. The 'varsity pitcher did not see his rival, but going to where his valise was containing his clothing, he took something from it. Tom saw Langridge put a bottle to his lips.

"I wonder if he's taking medicine," he thought.

A moment later the pitcher hurried from the room as his name was called to bat. Tom walked to a window that gave a view of the grounds. As he passed Langridge's valise he smelled a pungent, alcoholic odor. He started and for a moment could not tell what it was. Then it came to him.

"Liquor! He's been drinking liquor!" he almost exclaimed aloud. "He's broken the training rules. I wonder—I wonder if this is what Sid hinted at—if this is what Mr. Lighton meant!"

From the diamond there came a sharp crack. It was a bat meeting a swiftly pitched ball with that inspiring sound that indicates a fair hit. Tom saw Langridge speeding for first base, while Randall lads were yelling at the top of their voices.

"It's a three-bagger!" cried Tom delightedly, and so it proved, Langridge bringing in a run a moment later on a sacrifice hit by Holly Cross.