Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/172

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"What's the matter, old man?" inquired Sid the next morning as he rolled over in bed and looked at Tom.

"Matter? Why?"

"You look as if you'd been drawn through a knot hole, and a small one at that. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," and Tom tried to laugh it off. "I didn't sleep very well, that's all."

"For that matter, neither did I."

"Get out! I heard you snoring away like a boiler blowing off steam."

"Then I must have been tired. I never snore unless I am. Wow! ouch! Decameron's Prothonotary!"

Sid made a face that indicated intense anguish and put his hand to his side as he turned over in bed.

"What's the matter?" asked Tom anxiously.

"Strained my side when I slid for second base that time. I didn't notice it yesterday, but it hurts