Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/179

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But now practice was over. The rival captains were in conference, the umpire was taking the new ball from the tinfoil wrapping and the spectators were settling back for the contest.

"Boxer has improved since the other game," said Tom, who had been critically watching the teams at practice.

"That's what I heard," replied Miss Tyler. "Oh, I do hope our boys will win!"

"So do I," exclaimed Tom as he watched Langridge, who was first to go to the bat, in this game the visitors winning the privilege of being last up. Tom tried to notice the 'varsity pitcher, to see if he was in good form, but he could not judge then.

"Play ball!" called the umpire, and Dave Ogden, the Boxer pitcher, drew back his arm to deliver a swift curve.