Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/185

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see my old college win such a game as this. Wow! Whoop!"

"That's right. I'm with you," and a second hat went the way of the first, while the old men capered about like boys. They were given a round of cheers on their own account by the team when the players understood what had happened. Ford Fenton was running about, all excited, trying to find his relative.

"Have you seen my uncle?" he asked several.

"No!" cried Holly Cross. "And if I do, I'll shoot him on sight! Get out or I'll eat you up," and with a roar of simulated wrath he rushed at poor Fenton, who beat a hasty retreat.

Tom was jubilant at the success of his college, nor did he withhold unstinted praise for Langridge. He had been surprised at the sudden improvement shown. Tom and Miss Tyler walked across the grounds toward the campus, the girl looking back several times. Suddenly Langridge appeared from amid a group of players.

"I'll be with you in a minute," he called to Miss Tyler, "as soon as I change my duds. Wait for me."

There was an air of proprietorship in the words and the girl must have felt them, for she turned away without speaking.

"Perhaps I'd better say good-afternoon," spoke Tom, a trifle piqued.