Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/192

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claimed Tom in a low voice as he hurried on. "Cigarettes are the limit!"

Tom tried not to think about what he had seen as he went on to the drug store and had his prescription filled. He had to wait some little time for it and as he came out he noticed by a clock that he would have to hurry if he wanted to get back to college in time.

He started off briskly and just as he got in front of the side door of the resort the portal opened and several lads came out. Langridge was with them, and all were somewhat worse for the lively evening they had spent. The 'varsity pitcher, who seemed strangely hilarious, caught sight of Tom.

"Well, if there ain't my deadly rival!" he cried in what was intended to be a friendly manner, but which was silly. "Hello, Parsons! Come in and have a cigarette!"

"No," was the answer in conciliatory tones. "I'm in a hurry to get back to the college. My time's nearly up."

"So's mine—so's all of us. But what's the odds? We've got to have a good time once in a while, eh, fellows?"

"Sure," came the chorus.

"I can't smoke, I'm in training," spoke Tom, intending it to be a hint, if not to Langridge, at least to his companions.