Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/207

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"Suspended, Parsons! This is the second time, isn't it?" There was surprise and dismay in the doctor's voice.

"Yes, sir, but——" Tom paused. How much should he tell, how much leave unsaid?

"How did it happen?" asked the head of the college, and he placed his arm on Tom's shoulder in a friendly fashion. Tom said afterward that it was just as if he had been hypnotized. Before he knew it he was telling the whole story.

"But I never mentioned the name of Langridge," he protested to Sid, to whom later he related all the events. "I never even hinted at it, but for all that I believe Moses knew. He's a regular corkscrew."

Dr. Churchill was silent after the recital, a recital rather brokenly made, but containing all the essential facts.

"Suspended for two weeks !" he murmured when Tom had finished.

"With no athletics," added Tom. "Not even to see the games that are to be played here, and there are to be two."

"Hum," mused the doctor. "Well, you know we must have discipline here, Parsons. Without it we would soon have chaos. But—ah—er—hum! Well, come and see me this evening. I will have a talk with Mr. Zane. He has to be strict,