Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/215

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"What is it?"

"Joe's going to get talking to a girl and then he's going to excuse himself for a moment. I'll take his place and I'll pretend I don't know what she's talking about when the girl tries to continue the conversation. I'll make believe I've come back to the wrong girl. Great, isn't it?"

"Yes, except maybe for the girl."

"Oh, we'll beg her pardon afterward. Got to have some fun. I'm on the arrangement committee and I'm nearly crazy seeing that every one has a good time. Got your name down on all the cards you want?"

"I haven't it on any yet."

"No? That's a shame! Come on and I'll fix you up," and the good-natured Jerry dragged Tom about, introducing him to an entrancing quartet of pretty girls and then Tom knew enough to do the rest, which included scribbling his name down for a whole or a half dance as the case might be.

He had just finished this very satisfactory work when he heard his name called and turned to see Miss Tyler smiling at him.

"I'm awfully glad to see you," he exclaimed, starting impulsively toward her with outstretched hand. "May I have a dance?"

"Only one?" she asked with a laugh.

"All of them, if you can spare them," he said boldly.