Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/220

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So after all, Tom did not get the last half of the last waltz with Miss Tyler. He did not much care, however, for, as matters turned out, he had a longer time in her company. The girl soon recovered her usual spirits and the walk to where she was stopping with relatives in Haddonfield seemed all too short to Tom.

"Will you be at the game Saturday?" he asked as they were about to part.

"What game?"

"Over at Fairview. Our team is going to try and run up a big score against them."

"I hadn't thought of going."

"Then won't you please think now?" pleaded Tom, with an odd air of patheticness, at which Miss Tyler laughed gaily.

"Well, perhaps I shan't find that so very difficult," she replied.

"And if you think real hard, can you get a mental picture of your humble servant taking you to