Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/224

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noon, following a severe game with the scrub, who had played the 'varsity to a tie in eleven innings.

"That's right," admitted the coach. "But I think we will. We have improved all around lately."

This was true, more especially in the case of Langridge. Since the affair of the junior dance he had not spoken to Tom, and had taken pains to avoid him. But the 'varsity pitcher was certainly doing better work.

The day before the game with Fairview, Coach Lighton called Tom to one side.

"I think you had better prepare to go as a sub to-morrow," he said.

"Why, is Langridge——" burst out Tom, a wild hope filling his heart.

"No, it isn't our pitcher. But I understand Sid is falling back in his Latin, and he may not be allowed to play. In that case I'll have to do some shifting, and I may be able to give you a place in the field."

"Well, I don't want to see Sid left, but I would like a chance."

Tom was in rather a quandary. He had arranged to take Miss Tyler, and he could not, if he went with the team as a sub. He hardly knew what to do about it, and was on the point of going over to see her, and explain, when Sid came bursting into the room.