Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/267

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against Boxer," declared Coach Lighton with a shake of his head.

"Why?" asked Langridge.

"Because much depends on this game. I don't know whether you boys have figured it out, but we have a mighty slim chance for the pennant this year."

"Have we any?" asked Sid.

"Yes," replied the coach, "and it's just this. If we win the game against Boxer——"

"Which we will," declared Langridge confidently.

"If we do," went on Mr. Lighton, "and also win the one the following Saturday from Fairview, we will capture the pennant by a narrow margin."

"Hurrah!" cried Kindlings.

"Not so fast," admonished Mr. Lighten. "You boys will have to play ball as you never played it before and against rather heavy odds."

"How's that?" inquired Sid.

"Well, both games are away from your own grounds. You are to play Boxer Hall on their diamond and the Fairview game takes place over at the co-ed institution. That means that they'll have a big crowd of rooters out, and you know what an incentive that is."

"We'll take a lot too!" cried Holly Cross.

"Sure, we'll organize a cheering club," added Bricktop Molloy.