Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/301

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"Exactly. Oh, Tom, I'm as nervous as a girl before her first big party. Here, coach me a bit," and Tom, taking the books, gave Sid what help he could until they were both so tired and sleepy that Tom insisted that bed was the only place for them.

The news spread the next day. Sid was the only member of the team who was in the special Latin class, and consequently the only one who had to go through the ordeal. When he went into recitation his mates on the team gathered in silent conclave on the diamond.

"If Sid slumps," spoke Captain Woodhouse, "I don't——"

"Don't talk about it," pleaded Bricktop Molloy.

"If he does, couldn't we play Langridge on first?" suggested Phil Clinton. "He used to practice there."

"Langridge is down and out," declared Kerr. "I don't know what's come over him. He won't speak to me any more. I guess he knows he's got to do a lot of studying to pass, and he must be tutoring with some grind. He keeps himself mighty scarce. I don't believe he'd play."

"No, we couldn't use him," said Kindlings. "It all depends on Sid. I wash the exam was over. It's like waiting for a jury to come in."

The whole team was on tenterhooks. No one felt like talking, and some one would start a topic only to witness it die a natural death. The mem-