Page:The Rival Pitchers.djvu/316

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His face, which was pale from pain, flushed, and as she held out her hand he hesitated, for his was all stained from the dirt of the ball, while hers was daintily gloved.

"As if I minded that!" she cried as she saw him hesitate, and she took his hand in both hers, to the no small damage of the new gloves.

"I knew you'd do it," she said, while she smiled happily. "Oh, Tom, I'm so glad!"

"So am I," he answered, and after that the pain in his arm did not seem so bad.

What a triumphant procession it was that wended its way toward Randall that afternoon! How song followed song and cheer was piled upon cheer! Tom sat in the corner of a big auto, with Miss Tyler at his side. He had to put his arm in a sling and he was overwhelmed with questions as to how he felt, while the number of sweaters offered him as cushions would have stocked a furnishing store.

"Oh, boy, but you're a daisy!" exclaimed Sid a few hours later when he and Tom, after a good bath, were resting in their room.

"As if you didn't cover first base as it never has been covered before," declared Tom.

"Oh, well, that was easy for me after I passed that Latin exam. But you and your arm—I don't see how you did it."