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James T. Fields. Isaac B. Woodbury.
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P cres.
1. We were crowd-ed in the cab - in, Not a
2. So we shud - dered there in sil - ence; For the
3. But his lit - tle daugh- ter whis-pered, As she
soul would dare to sleep; It was mid - night on the
stout - est held his breath, While the hun - gry sea was
took his i - cy hand, "Isn't God up - on the
waters, And a storm was on the deep, 'Tis a
roaring, And the breakers talked with Death. And as
o - cean, Just the same as on the land?" Then we
fear - ful thing in win - ter To be shattered by the
thus we sat in si - lence, Each bu - sy in his
kissed the lit - tle maid - en, And we spoke in bet - ter