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old church - yard, in the val - ley, Ben Bolt,
mill - wheel has fal - len to piec - es, Ben Bolt,
grows on the mas - ter's grave, Ben Bolt,
Twelve - months twen - ty have passed, Ben Bolt,
In a cor - ner ob - scure and a - lone;
The raf - ters have turn - bled in,
The spring of the brook is dry,
Since first we were friends — yet I hail
They have fit - ted a slab of the gran - ite so gray. And sweet
And a qui-et that crawls round the walls as you gaze. Has
And of all the boys who were school - mates then, There are
Thy presence a bless - ing, thy friendship a truth, Ben
Al - ice lies un - der the stone, - der the stone,
fol - lowed the old - en din, - en din.
on - ly you and I, and I.
Bolt of the salt sea gale, sea gale.