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Bayard Taylor. Johann A. P. Schulz.
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1. Now the days are brief and drear: Na - ked
2. Leave the clash - ing cym - bals mute! Pipe no 3. Where is Youth? He strayed a - way Thro' the
4. Yet a few more years to run, Wheel - ing
lies the new - born Year, In his crad - dle of the
more the hap - py flute! Sing no more that dan - cing
mead - ow flow'rs of May; Where is Love? The leaves that
sound in gloom and sun: Oth - er rap - tures, oth - er
snow; And the winds un - bri - dled blow, And the
rhyme Of the ro - se's har - vest time; Sing a
fell From his tryst-ing - bow'r, can tell. Wis - dom
woes,— Toil al - ter - nate with Re - pose: Then to