Oliver Wendell Holmes. Unknown.
(Air Yankee Doodle.)
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An eve - ning par - ty,— on - ly that, No for - mal in - vi -
How fast the strag-glers join the throng, From stall and work-shop
On, on to where the tea - ships ride! And now their ranks are
O wo - man, at the eve - ning board So gra - cious, sweet, and
Ah, lit - tie dreams the qui - et dame Who plies with rock and
Old char-ters shriv - el in its track, His Worship's bench has
ta - tion. No gold - laced coat, no stiff cra - vat. No
gath - ered! The live - ly bar - ber skips a - long And
form - ing,— A rush, and up the Dartmouth's side The
purr - ing. So hap - py while the tea is poured, So
spin - dle The pa - tient flax, how great a flame Yon
crum - bled. It climbs and clasps the un - ion - jack. Its
feast in con - tem - pla - tion, No silk - robed dames, no
leaves a chin half lath - ered; The smith has flung
Mo - hawk band is swarm - ing! See the fierce na - tives!
blest while spoons are stirr - ing, What mar tyr can com -
lit - tle spark shall kin - dle! The lur - id morn - ing
bla - zoned pomp is hum - bled. The flags go down on