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Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/60

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\header {
  composer = \markup {
    (Air: John Brown’s Body.)
  poet = "Julia Ward Howe."
  tagline = "" % no footer
\layout {
  indent = #0
\relative c' { <<
\new Voice = "a" {
\time 4/4
\key bes
\partial 8
\autoBeamOff <d f>16 ~ <d f> <d f>8. <d f>16 <d f>8. <c ees>16 <bes d>8. <d f>16 <d bes'>8. <ees c'>16 <f d'>8.( <f d'>16) <f d'>8. <ees c'>16 <d bes'>4 r8 <f bes>16 <f a> <ees g>8. <ees g>16 <ees g>8. <f a>16 <g bes>8. <g bes>16 <g bes>8. <ees g>16 <d f>8. <ees g>16 <d f>8. <bes d>16 <d f>4 r8 <d f>16 <d f> <d f>8. <d f>16 <d f>8. <c ees>16 <bes d>8. <d f>16 <f bes>8. <f c'>16
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"1. " Mine8 eyes8. have16 seen8. the16 glo8. -- ry16 of8. the16 com8. -- ing16 of8. the16 Lord;4
\skip8 He16 is tramp8. -- ling16 out8. the16 vint8. -- age16 where8. the16 grapes8. of16 wrath8. are16 stored,4
\skip8 He16 hath loosed8. the16 fate8. -- ful16 light8. -- ning16 of8. his16
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"2. " I have seen8. him16 in8. the16 watch8. -- fires16 of8. a16 hun8. -- dred16 cir8. -- cling16 camps;4
\skip8 They16 have build8. -- ed16 him8. an16 al8. -- tar16 in8. the16 eve8. -- ning16 dews8. and16 damps,4
\skip 8 I16 have read8. his16 right8. -- eous16 sen8. -- tence16 by8. the16
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"3. " I have read8. a16 fie8. -- ry16 gos8. -- pel,16 writ8. in16 bur8. -- nish’d16 rows8. of16 steel;4
\skip8 “As16 ye deal8. with16 my8. con16 -- tem8. -- ners,16 so8. with16 you8. my16 grace8. shall16 deal:4
\skip8 Let16 the he8. -- ro16 born8. of16 wom8. -- an16 crush8. the16
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"4. " He has sound8. -- ed16 forth8. the16 trum8. -- pet16 that8. shall16 nev8. -- er16 call8. re16 -- treat;4
\skip8 He16 is sift8. -- ing16 out8. the16 hearts8. of16 men8. be16 -- fore8. his16 judg8. -- ment16 -- seat;4
\skip8 Oh16 be swift,8. my16 soul,8. to16 an8. -- swer16 him,–8. be16
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"5. " In the beau8. -- ty16 of8. the16 lil8. -- ies16 Christ8. was16 born8. a16 -- cross8. the16 sea,4
\skip8 With16 a glo8. -- ry16 in8. his16 bo8. -- som16 that8. trans16 -- fig8. -- ures16 you8. and16 me:4
\skip8 As16 he dies8. to16 make8. men16 ho8. -- ly,16 let8. us16
\new Staff
\relative c {
\clef bass
\key bes
\autoBeamOff <bes bes'> ~ <bes bes'> <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8.( <bes bes'>16) <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>4 r8 <d bes'>16 <d bes'> <ees bes'>8. <ees bes'>16 <ees bes'>8. <ees bes'>16 <ees bes'>8. <ees bes'>16 <ees bes'>8. <ees bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>4 r8 <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <bes bes'>16 <bes bes'>8. <f' a>16
>> }