John Greenleaf Whittier. Arr. from Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.
1. We give thy na - tal day to hope, O
2. Thy pledge of freed - dom moves the world, And
3. Great, with - out seek - ing to be great By
coun-try of our love and prayer! Thy way is
all who hear it turn to thee, And read up-
fraud or con - quest; rich in gold. But rich - er
down no fa - tal slope, But up to free - er sun and air.
on thy flag un - furled The proph- e - cies of des - ti - ny.
in the large es - tate Of vir - tue which thy chil - dren hold;
The fa - thers sleep, but men re - main. As wise, as true, and brave as
Thy great world-les - son all shall learn. The na - tions in thy school shall
With peace that comes of pu - ri - ty. And strength to sim- ple jus - tice