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Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/69

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John Knowles Paine.
\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 4/4 \key d \major \partial 2 << { a'2^\markup { \italic Maestoso. } } \\ { a } >> <a d>2. <d, a'>4 << { g2 } \\ { d4(cis) } >> <d fis>2 << { b'2 } \\ { d,4(g) } >> <fis a>(<e g>) <d fis>2 \fermata << { d } \\ { d } >> <d g> <d fis> << { b' a } \\ { d,4(e) fis(a) } >> <a d>2 << { cis4(b) } \\ { gis2 } >> <e a> \fermata <e a> <fis a> <fis b> << { a4(g) fis2 } \\ { e e } >> <d b'> <g cis> <fis d'> \fermata <fis b> <e e'>2. <fis d'>4 <g cis>2 << { d'4(b) a2 g } \\ { fis e4(cis) d(e) } >> <d fis>2 \fermata <fis a> <fis d'> <a cis> <g b> << { b } \\ { a } >> <b e> <b d> <a cis> << { b4(a) } \\ { e2 } >> <a fis'>2 <g e'>4( <fis d'>) <e cis'>2 << { d'4(a) } \\ { d,2 } >> <d g>2 <cis e> << { d2 \fermata } \\ { d } >> \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " Our2 fa2. -- thers’4 God,2 from out whose hand The cen -- turies fall like grains of sand, We meet to -- day, u -- nit -- ed, free, And loy2. -- al4 to2 our land and Thee, To thank Thee for the e -- ra done, And trust The for the o -- p’ning one. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " Here,2 where2. of4 old2 by Thy de -- sign, The fa -- thers spake that word of Thine Whose ech -- o is the glad re -- frain Of rend2. -- ed4 bolt2 and fall -- ing chain, To grace out fes -- tal time, from all The zones of earth, our guests we call. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " For2 art2. and4 la2 -- bor met in truce, For beau -- ty made the bride of use, We thank Thee; but, with -- al, we crave The au2. -- stere4 vir2 -- tues strong to save, The hon -- or proof to place or gold, The man -- hood nev -- er bought nor sold! } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " Oh2 make2. Thou4 us,2 thro’ cen -- turies long, In peace se -- cure, in jus -- tice strong; A -- round our gift of free -- dom draw The safe2. -- guards4 of2 Thy right -- eous law; And, cast in some di -- vin -- er mould, Let the new cy -- cle shame the old! } { \new Staff \time 4/4 \key d \major \clef bass \partial 2 << { a2 } \\ { a } >> <fis d'>2. <fis d'>4 <e b'>2 <b b'> <g b'> <a cis'> <d a'> \fermata <d fis> <d b'> <d a'> << { b'4(cis) } \\ { g2 } >> <fis d'>2 <b, fis''> << { e'4(d) } \\ { e,2 } >> <a, cis'>2 \fermata <cis a'> <d a'> <b d'> <e b'> <fis ais> <g b> <e b'> <b b'> \fermata <b' d> <g b>2. <fis b>4 <e b'>2 <d b'> << { e a } \\ { cis,4(a) b(cis) } >> <d a'>2 \fermata <d d'> <b d'> << { e' } \\ { cis,4(d) } >> <e e'>2 <fis dis'> << { e'4(g) } \\ { g,2 } >> <gis fis'> <a e'> <g? cis> <fis d'> <g b> << { e' } \\ { a,4(g) } >> <fis a>2 <e b'> << { a4(g) } \\ { a,2 } >> <d fis>2 \fermata \bar ".." } >> }