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Page:The Riverside song book.djvu/82

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Epes Sargent. Henry Russell.

1. A life on the o - cean wave, A home on the roll - ing

2. Once more on the deck I stand Of my own swift-glid-ing

3. The land is no longer in view, The clouds have be - gun to

deep, Where the scat - tered wa - ters rave, And the

craft, Set sail! fare - well to the land. The

frown, But with a stout ves- sel and crew We'll

winds their rev - els keep: Like an ea - gle caged I

gale fol-lows far a - baft: We shoot thro' the spark - ling

say "Let the storm come down I" And the song of our heart shall

pine On this dull, un - chang - ing shore: Oh!

foam, Like an o - cean bird set free; Like the

be. While the winds and the wa - ters rave. A


Sing first verse in D.C.

give me the flash - ing brine. The spray and the tem - pest roar!

o - cean bird, our home Well find far out on the sea!

life on the heav-ing sea, A home on the bound - ing wave!