distrust of his ability to do anything exactly straightforward. Simon was apparently unarmed, but Henderson suspected that a pistol was concealed somewhere in his loose clothing, ready to his hand.
"Don Abrahan has come to Helena Sprague's ranch, where he is waiting to welcome you and take you to his breast," Simon said, sitting in the light of the little fire after the hastily-prepared supper had been eaten. "We think he has found out something about you, that you are the son of a family, or something grand."
"And Roberto? is he there?"
"Roberto went on to Monterey today, I heard it said. Seven doctors! what a dark night it is here in the hills!"
"Tet will be darker before it's lighter. We'd better go."
"Yes, the ship will not wait, Don Abrahan will wonder at our delay. What was that?"
Simon started, listening, hand lifted to impose silence.
"Coyotes, very likely," Henderson replied, unconcerned. "They come around here at night."
"It sounded like a horse." Simon rose, leaning into the dark, listening hard. "If mine has got loose!"
He walked away a little distance, going softly, almost immediately disappearing in the dark, which was deeper for the wooded side of the canyon forming the background of the camp. Henderson