"Stole the evidence, a certain paper
""That is why the governor came! The governor knows!"
"The evidence was delivered to the governor, I have been told. He has gone after soldiers to take you from Don Abrahan's house by force. You must leave here at once, go to the north—somewhere—out of their reach. Here is your horse—here, catch the rein—I will break in the door."
She caught the rein as he tossed it, her arm thrust between the bars.
"And you—and you, Gabriel?"
"I'll take a horse from the stable and go with you."
"No," she denied him softly, shaking her head. "We couldn't get away, I would only encumber you. Alone you can beat them, for you are resourceful and bold. I'd only hold you back, they'd murder you like they did John Toberman."
"They will murder you here, Helena."
"No, they'll only rob me, Gabriel. I can put that off—go away, Aunt Carlota! Leave me—go to your room and close the door!"
"The disgrace of this! a bandit!" Doña Carlota said.
Helena turned on her furiously, disappearing from the window, the bridle rein dropped to the ground. Henderson heard her, speaking in Spanish now, driving her tormentor from the room.
"I can delay the seizure of my property,"