"NOBODY is following," said Felipe, satisfaction in his words.
He came forward to join his companions, waiting where the obscure path which they had been following joined the king's broad highway that led to Monterey. Dawn had come before they emerged from the bosque through which Felipe had led them a cautious, winding way.
Henderson now recognized his surroundings. They had come to the camino real, or royal road, something more than a mile distant from Don Abrahan's house, near the point where the great highway branched, one road to enter the pass, one to go to San Gabriel Mission to the east.
"You are a master guide, Felipe," Henderson praised him.
"Before the sun rises hundreds of cattle and sheep will cross and follow the paths we have traveled, covering our tracks like rain. Do we go on, Gabriel?"
"On to Monterey," Henderson replied, giving his horse rein, "unless we meet better fortune in the road."
"Then we would join with better fortune, certainly," said Felipe, so well pleased with the