Page:The Rocky Mountain Saints.djvu/22

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AFTER THE WAR.—Grand Procession of Mormons and Gentiles—Prospective Peace—The Federal Officers and Mormon Dignitaries wine together—The City honours General Connor in the Social Hall—The Prophets and the Gentile Ladies decline attending the Ball—Vice-President Colfax and Literary Friends visit Zion—The Interview with the Prophet—The Hon. James M. Ashley sees the Difficulty of convicting the Apostles for Polygamy—He tells Tom Corwin's Story of the "Eleven Jurors who had some of the Ham"—A Gentile marries a Mormon Elder's Second Wife—Mr. Brassfield assassinated—Great Excitement among the Gentiles—General Sherman gives Brigham a Hint that he will send Troops to Zion—Brigham hastens to assert his Innocence—Contention over the Warm Springs—Dr. Robinson, the Contestant, is assassinated—A Foul and Dreadful Murder—Brigham joins the Gentiles in offering a Reward for the Murderers—No Detection—Years after, Brigham withdraws his Reward—Afraid of tempting Men to Perjury—Three Apostates charged with stealing a Cow— Arrested, confined, two murdered in "attempting to escape"—The Brethren arrested for Murder, and escape—Chief-Justice Titus grossly insulted, 611

THE DAWNING OF FREEDOM.—The Mercantile Struggle against Despotism—"Freezing out the Gentiles"—Police Surveillance of Apostates' Stores—The Walker Brothers—Brigham refuses a Check from them for $500—A Bishop told to "cut away"—Handed over to the Buffetings of Satan—The Fight with Brigham—Fears of Violence—Gentile Merchants offer to sell out at a Great Loss and leave the City—Brigham's Reply—The Gentiles and Apostates under the Ban—Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution organized—Trouble among the Mormon Merchants—Ruin of the Small Traders—"The Seed of the Prophet Joseph" go to Zion—The Reorganized Church—"Young Joseph"—Alexander H. and David Hyrum Smith in Utah—Brigham's Jealousy—The Sons of Joseph meet with Success—The "New Movement"—The Utah Magazine—Wonderful Revelations of Messrs. Godbe and Harrison—Voices from Heaven against Brigham—The Beginning of the Great Apostacy—Godbe, Harrison and Kelsey expelled from the Church—The Magazine opens its Batteries upon the Prophet—The Gentiles and Liberal Mormons encourage the "Rebels"—The "Reformers" start a Newspaper—They preach and write themselves into Spiritualism—The Fetters burst and the Gentile Merchants triumph—Brigham's Power waning—His Sceptre broken, 622

BRIGHAM YOUNG.—His Father's—Family His Early Life and Occupation—Brigham's Faith—The "Gift of Tongues"—"Brother Brigham" opposed to Manifestations of the "Gift"—His Ideas of Unreasoning Obedience—The Prophet at Home—The "Trustee in Trust"—The Prophet's Wives—His Favourites—Brigham's Domestic Life—His Habits and Traits of Character—His Hours of Business—The Prophet in his Office—Extraordinary Influence with the People—Unheard of Claims to Dictation in Secular Affairs—Lovers to ask Brigham's Permission to love—Troublesome Elders sent on Mission—Ordered to go to "Dixie"—Mission to the Indians—How the "Lamanites" were to be made a "White and Delightsome People"—Heber's Hint to the Missionaries, and how they took it—Brigham on his Travels—The "Royal Blood of Young"—Reception of the Prophet