Page:The Rocky Mountain Saints.djvu/27

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" Nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice."

The purpose of the Author of this volume is to issue a book that will be of interest to the reading public, and of service to the people of whom it treats: the former ask for such information, and the latter cannot properly object to being understood as they really are.

In addition to his own personal experience, the works that have been previously written on Mormonism, both by friends and foes, have been carefully studied and collated. The contents of this book may, therefore, be regarded as an impartial summary of what can be said respecting the faith of the "Mormon Saints," by one who had the fellowship of the Church for over a quarter of a century, who occupied a public position in that relationship, enjoyed familiar intimacy with the apostles and leading elders, and for a dozen years had daily intercourse with Brigham Young.

The Author has no pet theories to advance, no revelations to announce, no personal animosity to satisfy. He has simply outgrown the past, and utterly disbelieves Brigham Young's recent claim to the possession of "a Priesthood that is Infallible," and the assumption that the Mormon Church is the exclusive and only true Church of Christ upon the earth,