"You've got to come along with us," put in the third man savagely. "You owe us some money."
"I don't owe you a cent, Fusty."
"Yes, you do—and I'm bound to have it. Hold him, Mike, till I go through him."
Of a sudden there was a struggle, and the man called Castor found himself helpless, while the fellow called Fusty began to go through his pockets with great rapidity.
The scene alarmed Dick, and he wondered what he had best do. Then he made up his mind to go to Castor's assistance, and ran forward.
"Here, let that man alone!" he cried, as he picked up a fence picket which happened to lie handy. "Leave him alone, I say!"
"The Old Nick take the luck!" muttered one of the other men. "Who's this?"
"Help! help!" cried Castor.
"Let him alone, I say!" repeated Dick, and then struck at one of the men and hit him on the arm.
Seeing himself thus re-enforced, Castor also struck out, and continued to call for help.
"We might as well give it up, Fusty!" cried one of the rascals, and took to his heels, and then there was nothing to do for the other man but to follow him.