Page:The Russian story book, containing tales from the song-cycles of Kiev and Novgorod and other early sources.djvu/21

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"Ilya, son of weakness," they said, "how is it now with your strength? "

"I thank you with reverence, venerable sirs," he said, "my strength is great, but only half the strength I had."

"That is well," said the old men; "if it were greater, then moist Mother Earth would be too frail to bear you."

Then the old men told Ilya to go out into the summer sunlight, and he walked out of the cottage for the first time, followed by his deliverers; and there, standing in the light, the young man received his blessing and his charge.

"Ilya, son of strength," they said, "it is God Himself who has redeemed you from weakness. Therefore you are bound to defend the faith of Christ against all unbelievers, however bold and daring they may be, remembering always that it is not written that you should come to your death in battle.

"In the whole white world there is none stronger than you except Svyatogor, whom you will meet before long. Avoid conflict with him, and him alone; do not spend your strength on the soil or the meadow or the forest, but set out without delay for the royal city of Kiev."

Having spoken these words, the old men vanished, and Ilya did not see either how or where they went. He only knew that he stood alone in the light of the sun, and he stretched out his great arms as if he had just awakened from a long refreshing sleep.