Page:The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 08.djvu/91

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Khayyam's respects to Mustafa convey,
And with due reverence ask him to say,
Why it has pleased him to forbid pure wme,
When he allows his people acid whey?


Tell Khayyam, for a master of the schools,
He strangely misinterprets my plain rules:
Where have I said that wine is wrong for all?
'Tis lawful for the wise, but not for fools.


My critics call me a philosopher,
But Allah knows full well they greatly err;
I know not even what I am, much less
Why on this earth I am a sojourner!


The more I die to self, I live the more,
The more abase myself, the higher soar;
And, strange! the more I drink of Being's wine,
More sane I grow and sober than before.


Quoth rose, "I am the Yusuf flower, I swear,
For in my mouth rich golden gems I bear ":
I said, "Show me another proof." Quoth she,
"Behold this blood-stained vesture that I wear! "


I studied with the masters long ago,
And long ago did master all they know;
Here now the end and issue of it all,
From earth I came, and like the wind I go!